College can be a fun, new and exciting experience; however it can also be a nerve-wracking and stressful one. Whether you are commuting or living on campus, you can help reduce any stress you might be experiencing by knowing what to expect ahead of time. Beware: there are a lot of differences between high school and college!
If you are going to be a student who commutes to college, then here are a few tips to prepare you ahead of time:
- Allow for extra time before classes. You may have to park quite a distance away from the building where your class is located so be sure to allow for enough time.
- You will get hungry in between classes so make use of the cafeteria to eat. Some schools will allow commuting students to purchase a meal card to make it easier to pay for meals in their dining halls.
- Most colleges require parking permits to park on-campus so make sure you go to the school before the start of the semester to apply for your decal.
If you are going to be living in a dorm on campus, you will see a world of a difference once you leave home.
- You will most likely have to study a lot more than you did when you were in high school. Some dorms are designated quiet dorms for those students who wish not to be involved with distractions.
- You may have a roommate since single rooms in dorms are usually reserved for upper classmen. It will be a new experience learning to live with a complete stranger, so make the best of your new situation.
- In college some professors are so strict that if you miss more than two of their classes, you can receive an automatic failing grade, so be sure to attend every class. In high school you probably had a class size of 20-30 students; however in college you could possibly have a class with as many as 200 students.
The difference between high school and college can seem overwhelming - so remember - college is meant to prepare you for a career in the real world. So make sure you not only study but also have fun, meet new friends, and enjoy the transition into adulthood.
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