This week in #CollegeCash, host Jodi Okun held an Open Mic night to get to know her chat participants. Jodi’s goals for #CollegeCash are “to provide a space for us to connect, engage, learn and support each other. To bring individuals together and creating a community of “us.” This is being met each week as people come and join into the conversation about college funding, scholarships, FAFSA and much more. The journey from High School to College is a very big, overwhelming trip for students and parents – getting professional advice and sharing ideas with others in the #CollegeCash community can help! From making more informed decisions to just enjoying the process, the #CollegeCash community will learn and grow along with you.
This week’s OPEN MIC one hour chat was like a get-to-know you mixer where people shared and grew as a group. Please keep in mind that the below are tweets in 140 Twitter format from a live chat.
Some tips from Jodi:
A good - basic, definition of Financial Aid can be found here; goo.gl/PTIBp
Also you can go on the FAFSA website and get your PIN now #collegecash http://goo.gl/jkNpo
College visits are the best junior year RT @AidScholarship: My middle son is a junior, we're gearing up for next year!
Are you applying to private school CSS profile is live on Sat http://t.co/TK5G0EMC
Some questions from the #CollegeCash attendees:
@LindsayCowen I would love to get some professional advice. Not sure where to start on consolidating the loans
@iamjosephgerman Question: I'm applying early but also applying for FA -- how does this work if I haven't filled out FAFSA?
@okedokedebbie I've got a senior in HS but doing dual enrollment in college for extra credits, totally recommend it
Future chat suggestions:
Bruce Sallan Suggestion for future chat (sacrilegious) - should every kid go to college?
SheldonWordNerd Financial aid stuff only? What about how to best spend your test prep dollar (or not spend it!)?
@sharongreenthal What are the top schools for FA? RT @aidscholarship: RT @jodiokun: what suggestions do you have for future chats in #collegecash
connectyou I can help on the topic: I'm clueless - what should I do - hahaha! :D #collegecash
@fujifulgueras whats the process once you fill out #fafsa? Many times FAFSA needs more info - if so - process incomplete
Questions from Jodi:
I am looking for guest hosts for #collegecash to help parents in all areas please let me know if you are interested #collegecash
Last question: Anyone interested in guest blogging let me know...#collegecash is here to help parents with the process?
Some stats from Hashtracking:
584 Tweets, 32 Contributors, 892k Impressions and 75.2K reach!
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Jodi Okun
Join Jodi Okun next week on Thursday, October 6 at 7 pm PST/10 pm EST for another community building #CollegeCash seminar!
Thanks to Peggy Fitzpatrick for writing this summary you can connect with her @PegFitzpatrick or check out her Twylah page at http://www.twylah.com/PegFitzpatrick
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